At Regal Mountain Spas, we repair, maintain, restore and transport any brand of spa or hot tub. Hot tub repair is always cheaper than a new hot tub. Contact us now at (208) 209-4184Jared
At Regal Mountain Spas, we repair, maintain, restore and transport any brand of spa or hot tub. Hot tub repair is always cheaper than a new hot tub.
Contact us now at (208) 209-4184
The Regal Mountain Spas Promise
Satisfaction Guarantee of Affordable Quality
To us, our services are gold, we believe you will feel the same way,. Therefore we strive to give you the same feeling with the products or hot tub repair services we provide. We will always provide you a product or hot tub repair service that satisfies you if not exceeds your expectations. If you are not satisfied with our products or hot tub repair service, then we will happily return your spa or hot tub to its previous condition and refund you. Simple as that.
12 Month Warranty
With many parts and products made in china, we do our best to only provide american made products that are of the highest quality. Because we only provide the best components for your hot tub repair, we are quite secure in providing a 12 month warranty for everything.
Above and Beyond
We know you need to get the most for as little as possible, this is especially the case for a hot tub repair. Regardless the economic or political flavor of the day, the one thing that will never change is our quality of service and "can do" approach to your spa or hot tub repair. Quite Simply, we are here for you and your needs, and will do whatever it takes to provide the relaxing hot tub experience you need.
Spa and Hot Tub Repair

A spa is quite complex behind the cabinet panels. There are many parts that move high voltage electricity and water. We will help you out on the small easy stuff on the phone as best we can, however if you are not secure with high voltage electronics, we strongly recommend letting us help you out in person. It is much safer to let experienced professionals do the work for you rather than risk bodily injury or damaging your spas eletrcomechanical or hydromechanical workings.
When we repair a Spa, we do it right the first time, using quality USA made parts and components.
Professional Diagnostics
Heating Systems
Pump, Blower and Motor Systems
Eletronics Systems
Ozone and Ultra Violet Systems
Chemical and Salt Systems
Spa and Hot Tub Maintenance

We provide a variety of maintenance services. We can keep your spa clean and maintained for you, preventing the headache of balancing chemicals in your spa to make it "just right".
We also maintain your filters life, and quality of filtration.
We have years of water chemical balance experience and spa maintenance to make your life much simpler. When your spa is maintained by us, you can be sure any future "wear and tear" repair bills will be significantly lower, as we will keep your tub in top shape at all times.
Salt Maintenance
Chlorine/Bromine Maintenance
Weekly Cleaning and Upkeep
Winterization and Storage
Moving Parts, Jets, Air Valves
Covers and Lifter
Spa and Hot Tub Restoration

While many believe that a new spa is the way to go when your old one is looking rather unpleasant.... the truth is that a simple restoration can save you thousands literally. It will always be cheaper to simply restore your old spa to new condition with new equipment packages and newly restored wooden cabinets. The difference in price literally is thousands of dollars for a new tub or simply as little as a few hundred to repair and restore your old spa to near new condition.
Also remember, that when your friends or neighbors give you a spa, its never really free. Almost 90% of the time work will need to be done to restore your "free" spa.
Full Cabinet Rebuilds
Cabinet siding and Stain Selections
Jet Selections and Installations
Eletronics Upgrades
Cover Replacements and Upgrades
Spa and Hot Tub Transportation

We can easily and securely move your hot tub to your new location. We maintain all the proper tools and protections to ensure your spa arrives safely and in good condition.
Our transportation range is typically Kootenai county or 20 miles out of it, any additional miles get a surcharge of $5 per mile both ways.
Heavy Duty Specialized Trailer
Secured against bumps and breaks
Wrapped for Long Hauls
Guaranteed Safe Delivery
Any Location, Any Height
Quality, Peace of Mind, Longevity Serviced in Idaho of the USA Let us provide you better quality service more quickly. Call us now (208) 209-4184Regal Mountain Spas